
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Android Launcher Icons Color Palette for Incscape

Since we are 'forced' to submit a 512x512 launcher icon when publishing apps I guess I'm not the only one thinking that a master vector icon would be handy.

I've made  a color palette for Inkscape with the recommended colors for launcher icons. Simply copy/paste this and save as Android.gpl and move it to your palette folder in Inkscape and it will be loaded as a selectable palette next time you start.

GIMP Palette
Name: Android Launcher Icons
Columns: 3
255 255 255     White (#FFFFFF)
  0   0   0    Black (#000000)
 64  64  64   Dark Gray (#404040)
128 128 128    Medium Gray (#808080)
191 191 191     Light Gray (#BFBFBF)
102 153 255     Light Blue (#6699FF)
 51 102 204    Medium Blue (#3366CC)
  0  51 153     Dark Blue (#003399)
153 204  51     Light Green (#99CC33)
  0 204   0     Medium Green (#00CC00)
102 153   0     Dark Green (#669900)
255 204   0     Light Orange (#FFCC00)
255 153   0     Medium Orange (#FF9900)
255 102   0     Dark Orange (#FF6600)
204   0   0     Red (#CC0000)

New vector based icon for TravAlert

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In-app billing - first impressions

So finally Google has released in-app billing for the android market. It is also documented and bundled with a sample app to use for testing, learning and as a demo.

Here is my two cents on what I want to see in next in-app billing updade:

1:st cent Make it easier to test for the developer!

I have spent a night or three browsing the sample code (Dungeons!) and trying to make it work for me, only to be slapped by INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR each time I tried to buy something.

The error was far from internal and service related - in fact - it was I who had foreseen this little sentence:

"You cannot use your developer account to test the complete in-app purchase process because Google Checkout does not let you buy items from yourself."

So to be able to actually try the in-app billing I need to factory reset my phone - hook it to a different Google account - register VISA-credentials (Google checkout). Then - I can install my apk and try this new feature. Puh..

Now that I've done all this - I'll have to make a refund from the merchant account - or I've lost 30% to Google. This leads to ...

2:nd cent: Give us micro payments!
Minimum price is same as for apps: $.99 | .50€ | SEK 7:-
Thats pretty much for in-app payments - VISA can handle cents, it must be possible to divide in to 30% - so theoretically $.03 | €.03 | SEK 0:03 could be minimum -

Yeah, I'm ready to give Google that extra 3% for this ;)