I've made a color palette for Inkscape with the recommended colors for launcher icons. Simply copy/paste this and save as Android.gpl and move it to your palette folder in Inkscape and it will be loaded as a selectable palette next time you start.
GIMP Palette Name: Android Launcher Icons Columns: 3 # 255 255 255 White (#FFFFFF) 0 0 0 Black (#000000) 64 64 64 Dark Gray (#404040) 128 128 128 Medium Gray (#808080) 191 191 191 Light Gray (#BFBFBF) 102 153 255 Light Blue (#6699FF) 51 102 204 Medium Blue (#3366CC) 0 51 153 Dark Blue (#003399) 153 204 51 Light Green (#99CC33) 0 204 0 Medium Green (#00CC00) 102 153 0 Dark Green (#669900) 255 204 0 Light Orange (#FFCC00) 255 153 0 Medium Orange (#FF9900) 255 102 0 Dark Orange (#FF6600) 204 0 0 Red (#CC0000)
New vector based icon for TravAlert |